Staff portal: Safeguarding resources

As well as reading and understanding the documents detailed below, all employees of The Mead Trust (regardless of role) are expected to:

1. Complete online safeguarding training as part of their initial induction 

2. Attend a live safeguarding induction training session

3. Attend a Safeguarding Briefing annually

If you are concerned that you have not received a briefing or attended training that you should have done, please contact Kyra (

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (September 2023) >

Low level concern form >

KCSIE (September 2023) >

Guidance for safer working practices (February 2022) >

Professionals Online Safety Helpline >

What to do if you are worried a child is being abused or neglected >

Allegations against adults who work with chilren >

Concerns and allegations against adults in education settings >

Low level concerns flowchart >

Report harmful content >